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Anna D’Errico è una pianista che spazia dalla classica alla musica contemporanea. 

Ha lavorato con compositori quali Salvatore Sciarrino, Pierre Boulez, Helmut Lachenmann, Enno Poppe, Georges Aperghis, Pierluigi Billone, Mark Andre, Beat Furrer, Rebecca Saunders, Heinz Holliger, Claudio Ambrosini, Jörg Widmann, George Benjamin, Helmut Oehring, e con direttori quali Pierre Boulez, Peter Eötvös, Lucas Vis, Marco Angius, Matthias Pintscher, Ilan Volkov, Jean Deroyer e Igor Dronov.

La sua passione per la musica da camera l’ha portata ad avviare collaborazioni stabili, quali l’Ensemble Interface, di cui è fondatrice, il Syntax Ensemble e altre formazioni come Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Prometeo, Algoritmo, Icarus, Linea, Meitar. 

Si è esibita inoltre con interpreti come Uli Fussenegger, Ian Pace, Claire Chase, Marco Fusi, Donatienne Michel-Dansac.

Suoi progetti educativi sono stati premiati con il “Leone d’argento” della Biennale di Venezia e il Premio Abbiati e non si contano gli altri numerosi riconoscimenti a livello internazionale. È docente di pianoforte presso il Conservatorio di Venezia.



Anna D'Errico is a pianist who ranges from classical to contemporary music. 

She has worked with composers such as Salvatore Sciarrino, Pierre Boulez, Helmut Lachenmann, Enno Poppe, Georges Aperghis, Pierluigi Billone, Mark Andre, Beat Furrer, Rebecca Saunders, Heinz Holliger, Claudio Ambrosini, Jörg Widmann, George Benjamin, Helmut Oehring, and with conductors such as Pierre Boulez, Peter Eötvös, Lucas Vis, Marco Angius, Matthias Pintscher, Ilan Volkov, Jean Deroyer and Igor Dronov.

Her passion for chamber music has led her to stable collaborations, such as the Ensemble Interface, of which she is a founder, the Syntax Ensemble and other projects such as Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Prometeo, Algoritmo, Icarus, Linea, Meitar. 

She has also performed with interpreters such as Uli Fussenegger, Ian Pace, Claire Chase, Marco Fusi, Donatienne Michel-Dansac.

Her educational projects have been awarded the 'Silver Lion' at the Venice Biennale and the Abbiati Prize, and she has received numerous other international awards. She teaches piano at the Conservatory of Venice.

Concert December 2nd, h 19:30, Sala Italo Tajo, Via San Giuseppe, Pinerolo (TO)


Michelle Agnes Magalhaes:


Before you thought of spring - from Emily Dickinson’s piano (2018)

for electronics in the piano


Mobile (2012)

for prepared piano


Of all the sounds despatched abroad (2018-2023)

[new version for 3 performers on the tailpiece]

with the collaboration of Michelle Agnes Magalhaes and Dolores Privitera

Filippo Perocco:


Nuvolette (2020-2023)

[world premiere of the whole cycle]

for prepared piano and resonator



Marco Momi:


Almost close (2015)

for piano and tape-transducers

I. Polpa

II. Unghia

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